Terms of Service

Welcome to dreamdesign.agency! By using this website, you’re entering an agreement with Dream Design and accepting the terms outlined below. If you don’t agree, please refrain from using the site. Questions? Reach out to us for clarity.

1. No Guaranteed Results: We aim to deliver results, but outcomes aren’t assured. We have no control over platforms like Google, which may alter their systems.

2. Non-Disparagement: Both parties agree not to defame each other, online or offline. Exceptions apply for legal proceedings.

3. Limitation of Liability: While we ensure service quality, we disclaim all other warranties. Our liability is limited to fees paid in the preceding three months.

4. Force Majeure: Neither party is liable for delays or failures beyond their control, such as natural disasters or governmental actions.

5. No Refund Policy: Our services involve factors beyond direct control, so we operate under a strict no-refund policy. Clients engage us with the understanding that outcomes aren’t guaranteed.

6. Default: Failure to pay fees may lead to pausing or termination of services, among other remedies.

7. Attorney’s Fees: In disputes, both parties can recover reasonable legal fees and costs.

8. Governing Law: This Agreement is governed by the laws of Bangladesh.

9. Severability: If any part of this Agreement is invalid, the remaining provisions remain enforceable.

10. Entire Agreement: This Agreement supersedes all prior communications and agreements. Amendments require written consent.

11. Assignment and Successors: Rights and obligations under this Agreement can’t be transferred without consent. This Agreement binds successors and assigns.

By participating in our services, you agree to these terms. Got questions? Get in touch.

Dream Design Agency
Dhaka, Bangladesh.


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Dream Design is a digital marketing agency that assists entrepreneurs, startups, and organizations to achieve market authority and digital potential by building Brands.

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